1. Kuan-Chung Hung, Ying-Huang Lai, Tsung-Wu Lin*, “Enhancement of photocatalytic hydrogen formation under visible illumination by integrating plasmonic Au nanoparticles with strongly catalytic Ni3S2/carbon nanotube composite”, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2016, Advance Article. (IF:5.426 /Citation:0 )
2. Tsung-Wu Lin*, Ting-Ti Tasi, Po-Ling Chang, Hsiu-Yao Cheng, “Reversible Association of Nitro Compounds with p-Nitrothiophenol Modified on Ag Nanoparticles/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites through Plasmon Mediated Photochemical Reaction”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8, 8315–8322. (IF:6.723/Citation: 0)
3. Ting-Ti Tasi, Tsung-Wu Lin*, Li-Dong Shao, Hsin-Hui Shen, “Reversible coupling of 4-nitroaniline molecules to 4-aminothiophenol functionalized on Ag nanoparticle/graphene oxide nanocomposites through the plasmon assisted chemical reaction”, RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 29453-29459. (IF:3.840 /Citation:0 )
4. Jingxiong Lu, Anton P Le Brun, Seong Hoong Chow, Takuya Shiota, Bo Wang, Tsung-Wu Lin, Guei-Sheung Liu, Hsin-Hui Shen, “Defining the structural characteristics of annexin V binding to a mimetic apoptotic membrane”, European Biophysics Journal, 2015, 44, 697-708. (IF: 2.219/Citation:0 )
5. Cheng-En Cheng, Cheng-Wei Tsai, Zingway Pei, Tsung-Wu Lin, Chen-Shiung Chang, Forest Shih-Sen Chien, “UV-treated graphene oxide as anode interfacial layers for P3HT : PCBM solar cells”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2015, 48, Number 25. (IF:2.721 /Citation:0 )
6. Tsung-Wu Lin*, Hong-Yi Wu, Ting-Ti Tasi, Ying-Huang Laia, Hsin-Hui Shenb, “Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for DNA Detection by Self-Assembly of Ag Nanoparticles onto Ag Nanoparticles/ Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 2015, 17, 18443-18448.(IF:4.493 /Citation:3 )
7. Hsin-Hui Shen, Elsa C Chan, Jia Hui Lee, Youn-Shen Bee, Tsung-Wu Lin, Gregory J Dusting, Guei-Sheung Liu, “Nanocarriers for treatment of ocular neovascularization in the back of the eye: New vehicles for ophthalmic drug delivery”, Nanomedicine, 2015, 10, 2093-2107. (IF:5.413 /Citation:0 )
8. Chi-Yuan Lin, Cheng-En Cheng, Shuai Wang, Hung Wei Shiu, Lo Yueh Chang, Chia-Hao Chen, Tsung-Wu Lin, Chen-Shiung Chang, Forest Shih-Sen Chien, “Synchrotron Radiation Soft X-ray Induced Reduction in Graphene Oxide Characterized by Time-Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119, 12910–12915. (IF:4.772 /Citation:1 )
9. Tsung-Wu Lin*, Min-Chien Hsiao, Shu-Wei Chou, Hsin-Hui Shen, Jeng-Yu Linb, “Glucose-Assisted Synthesis of Nickel-Cobalt Sulfide/Carbon Nanotube Composites as Efficient Cathode Materials for Hybrid Supercapacitors”, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2015, 162, A1493-A1499. (IF: 3.266/Citation:1 )
10. Tsung-Wu Lin*, Chao-Shuan Dai, Ting-Ti Tasi, Shu-Wei Chou, Jeng-Yu Lin, Hsin-Hui Shen, “High-Performance Asymmetric Supercapacitor Based on Co9S8/ 3D Graphene Composite and Graphene Hydrogel”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 279, 241–249. (IF:4.321 /Citation:3 )
11. Jeng-Yu Lin, An-Lin Su, Chin-Yu Chang, Kuan-Chung Hung, Tsung-Wu Lin*, “Molybdenum Disulfide/Reduced Graphene Oxide–Carbon Nanotube Hybrids as Efficient Catalytic Materials in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, Chem Electro Chem, 2015, 2, 720-725. (IF: N/A /Citation:1 )
12. Tsung-Wu Lin*, Chao-Shuan Dai, Kuan-Chung Hung, “High Energy Density Asymmetric Supercapacitor Based on NiOOH/Ni3S2/3D Graphene and Fe3O4/Graphene Composite Electrodes”, Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 7274. (IF: 5.578/Citation: 17)
13. Man-Ning Lu, Chao-Shuan Dai, Sheng-Yen Tai, Tsung-Wu Lin*, Jeng-Yu Lin, “Hierarchical Nickel Sulfide/Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposite as a Catalytic Material toward Triiodine Reduction in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 270, 499-505. (IF:6.217 /Citation:4)
14. Hong-Yi Wu, Ying-Huang Lai, Meng-Shan Hsieh, Shiau-Dan Lin, Yen-Cheng Li, Tsung-Wu Lin*, “Highly Intensified Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering through the Formation of p, p'-Dimercaptoazobenzene on Ag Nanoparticles/ Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites”, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2014, 1, 1400119-1400126. (IF:N/A /Citation:6 )
15. Yaoming Xiao, Wei-Yan Wang, Shu-Wei Chou, Tsung-Wu Lin, Jeng-Yu Lin, “In situ electropolymerization of polyaniline/cobalt sulfide decorated carbon nanotube composite catalyst toward triiodide reduction in dye-sensitized solar cells”, Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 266, 448-455. (IF: 6.217/Citation:6 )
16. Tsung-Wu Lin*, Chia-Jui Liu, Chao-Shuan Dai, “Ni3S2/carbon nanotube nanocomposite as electrode material for hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline electrolyte and enzyme-free glucose detection”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2014, 154-155, 213-220. (IF:7.435 /Citation: 22)
18. Yaoming Xiao, Jeng-Yu Lin, Jhuai Wu, Sheng-Yen Tai, Gentian Yue, Tsung-Wu Lin, “Dye-sensitized solar cells with high-performance polyaniline/multi-wall carbon nanotube counter electrodes electropolymerized by a pulse potentiostatic technique”, Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 233, 320-325. (IF:5.211/Citation:40 )
17. Chao-Shuan Dai, Pei-Yi Chien, Jeng-Yu Lin, Shu-Wei Chou, Wen-Kai Wu, Ping-Hsuan Li, Kuan-Yi Wu, Tsung-Wu Lin*, “Hierarchically Structured Ni3S2/Carbon Nanotube Composites as High Performance Cathode Materials for Asymmetric Supercapacitors”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2013, 5, 12168–12174. (IF:5.900/Citation:62 )
19. Tsung-Wu Lin*, Chia-Jui Liu, Jeng-Yu Lin, “Facile synthesis of MoS3/carbon nanotube nanocomposite with high catalytic activity toward hydrogen evolution reaction”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2013, 134-135, 75-82. (IF:6.007 /Citation: 39)
20. Sheng-Yen Tai, Chia-Jui Liu, Shu-Wei Chou, Forest Shih-Sen Chien, Jeng-Yu Lin, Tsung-Wu Lin*, “Few-layer MoS2 nanosheets coated onto multi-walled carbon nanotubes as a low-cost and highly electrocatalytic counter electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells”, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 24753-24759. (IF:6.108 /Citation:72 )
21. Chia-Jui Liu, Sheng-Yen Tai, Shu-Wei Chou, Ya-Chu Yu, Kai-Di Chang, Shuei Wang, Forest Shih-Sen Chien, Jeng-Yu Lin, Tsung-Wu Lin*, “Facile synthesis of MoS2/graphene nanocomposite with high catalytic activity toward triiodide reduction in dye-sensitized solar cells”, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 21057-21064. (IF: 6.108/Citation:64 )
22. Tsung-Wu Lin*, Ching-Yuan Su, Xin-Quan Zhang, Wenjing Zhang, Yi-Hsien Lee, “Converting Graphene Oxide Monolayers into Boron Carbonitride Nanosheets by Substitutional Doping”, Small, 2012, 8, 1384-1391. (IF:7.823 /Citation: 31)
23. Yi-Hsien Lee, Xin-Quan Zhang, Wenjing Zhang, Mu-Tung Chang, Cheng-Te Lin, Kai-Di Chang, Ya-Chu Yu, Jacob Tse-Wei Wang, Chia-Seng Chang, Lain-Jong Li, Tsung-Wu Lin*, “Synthesis of Large-Area MoS2 Atomic Layers with Chemical Vapor Deposition”, Adv Mater., 2012, 24, 2320-2325. (IF:14.829 /Citation:646 )
24. Yi-Hsien Lee, Keng-Ku Liu, Ang-Yu Lu, Chih-Yu Wu, Cheng-Te Lin, Wenjing Zhang, Ching-Yuan Su, Chang-Lung Hsu, Tsung-Wu Lin, Kung-Hwu Wei, Yumeng Shi, Lain-Jong Li, “Growth selectivity of hexagonal-boron nitride layers on Ni with various crystal orientations”, RSC Adv., 2012, 2, 111-115. (IF:2.562 /Citation: 23 )
25. Chia-Chang Tsai, Pei-Ling Chiang1, Chih-Jung Sun, Tsung-Wu Lin, Ming-Hsueh Tsai, Yun-Chorng Chang, Yit-Tsong Chen, “Surface Potential Variations on a Silicon Nanowire Transistor in Biomolecular Modification and Detection”, Nanotechnology, 2011, 22, Number 13. (IF:3.979 /Citation:16 )
26. Hsin-Hui Shen, Tsung-Wu Lin, Robert K. Thomas, Diana J. F. Taylor, Jeffrey Penfold, “Surfactin Structures at Interfaces and in Solution: The Effect of pH and Cations”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2011, 115, 4427–4435. (IF:3.696 /Citation:18 )
27. Tsung-Wu Lin*, Hsin-Hui Shen, “The synthesis of silica nanotubes through chlorosilanization of single wall carbon nanotubes”, Nanotechnology, 2010, 21, 365604. (IF:3.652 /Citation:4 )
28. Tsung-Wu Lin, Dhananjay Kekuda, Chih-Wei Chu, “Label-free detection of DNA using novel organic-based electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2010, 25, 2706–2710. (IF:5.361 /Citation:17 )
29. Tsung-Wu Lin, Si-Young Choi, Young-Heon Kim, Malcolm L.H. Green, “Large-scale synthesis of n-type gallium nitride nanowires using NiI2-decorated carbon nanotubes as a reactant”, Carbon, 2010, 48, 2401-2408. (IF:4.896 /Citation:2 )
30. Min-Hsien Wua, Tsung-Wu Lin, Ming-De Huang, Hsin-Yao Wang, Tung-Ming Pan, “Label-free detection of serum uric acid using novel high- k Sm 2TiO 5 membrane-based electrolyte–insulator–semiconductor”, Sensors and Actuators B Chemical, 2010, 146, 342-348. (IF: 3.370/Citation:8 )
31. Tsung-Wu Lin, Po-Jen Hsieh, Chih-Lung Lin, Yi-Ya Fang, Jia-Xun Yang, Chia-Chang Tsai, Pei-Ling Chiang, Chien-Yuan Pan, Yit-Tsong Chen, “Label-free detection of protein-protein interactions using a calmodulin-modified nanowire transistor”, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 2010, 107, 1047-1052. (IF:9.771 /Citation: 59 )
32. Shu-Ping Lin, Chien-Yuan Pan, Kun-Chang Tseng, Ming-Chou Lin, Chii-Dong Chen, Chia-Chang Tsai, Shu-Han Yu, Ying-Chieh Sun, Tsung-Wu Lin, Yit-Tsong Chen, “A Reversible Surface Functionalized Nanowire Transistor to Study Protein–Protein Interactions”, Nano Today, 2009, 4, 235-243. (IF:13.237 /Citation: 40 )
33. Tsung-Wu Lin, Christoph G. Salzmann, Li-Dong Shao, Chih-Hao Yu, Malcolm L.H. Green, Shik-Chi Tsang, “Polyethylene glycol grafting and attachment of encapsulated magnetic iron oxide silica nanoparticles onto chlorosilanized single-wall carbon nanotubes”, Carbon, 2009, 47, 1415-1420. (IF:4.504 /Citation:21 )
34. Lidong Shao, Tsung-Wu Lin, Gerard Tobias, Malcolm L H Green, “A simple method for the containment and purification of filled open-ended single wall carbon nanotubes using C60 molecules”, Chemical Communications, 2008, 18, 2164-2166. (IF:5.340/Citation:16 )
35. Dongliang Fu, Yanping Xu, Lain-Jong Li, Y. Chen, S.G. Mhaisalkara,F.Y.C. Boey, Tsung-Wu Lin, Shabbir Moochhala, “Electrical detection of nitric oxide using single-walled carbon nanotube network devices”, Carbon, 2007, 45, 1911-1914. (IF:4.260 /Citation:22 )
36. Lain-Jong Li, Tsung-Wu Lin, J. Doig, I. B. Mortimer, J. G. Wiltshire, R. A. Taylor, J. Sloan, M. L. H. Green, R. J. Nicholas, “Crystal-encapsulation-induced band-structure change in single-walled carbon nanotubes: Photoluminescence and Raman spectra”, Phys. Rev. B, 2006, 74, 245418. (IF:3.107 /Citation:20 )
37. Sergio L. González-Cortés, Tian-Cun Xiao, Tsung-Wu Lin, Malcolm L.H. Greenb, “Influence of double promotion on HDS catalysts prepared by urea-matrix combustion synthesis”, Applied Cataysis A-General, 2006, 302, 264-273. (IF:2.630 /Citation:25 )
38. P. F. Hsu, Y. Chi, T. W. Lin, C. S. Liu, A. J. Carty, S. M. Peng, “Self-reducible Cu(II) source reagents for the CVD of copper”, Chemical Vapor Deposition, 2001, 7, 28-31. (IF: 2.123 /Citation:20 )